Carlos Loaeza


About me

Hello, I am a lover of programming 🖥️ and the things that can be done with it. I'm learning machine learning 🤖 at the moment and I want to cover a lot of artificial intelligence 🧠. And I love paint 🎨 but no time to do (is awesome).


I consider myself a good programmer, with many skills but above all responsible.

  • Birthday: 10 May 1998
  • City: Oaxaca, México
  • PhEmailone:
  • Freelance: Available

Throughout my life I have acquired values instilled in me by my parents and by sport, discipline is one of them, responsibility, honesty, courage, punctuality, loyalty, simplicity and respect are some of the values that characterize me. In addition, I am a person who never gives up, I always fight to get what I want or to meet the challenges that are imposed on me.


Skills I have acquired during my time as a developer.

Artificial Intelligence 50%
Spring - Spring Boot 70%
Python 80%
Angular 80%
English 70%
PHP 80%
Java 90%
Laravel 80%
MySql 90%
C++ 80%
CodeIgniter 90%


My career as a developer began in 2016 when I entered to computer systems engineering, and throughout those years, I have gained experience thanks to the development of some projects that are still in development and will soon be in production.


Bachelor of Computer Systems Engineering

2016 - 2021

Instituto Tecnológico de Oaxaca

I did my professional studies at the National Technological Institute of Mexico, Oaxaca campus, being my alma mater. During my time at the university I acquired a lot of knowledge that I want to put into practice to create things that serve as tools for the good of our humanity.

Java and Microservices Course

January 2022 - March 2022


I took the course given by IBM where I learned about microservices, I also learned how to use technologies like Spring boot, Spring cloud, I learned how to create microservices and consume them. I developed as a final project a microservice on IP addresses.

Android Course

July 2022 - September 2022


I took the course given by IBM where I learned about mobile development and automation test


  • Red Hat Certified Specialist in Containers
    Red Hat
  • Azure Fundamentals
In progress
  • Cloud Practitioner

Professional Experience

Professional Residence - Jr. Developer

August 2021 - January 2022

Tecnológico Nacional de México campus Pochutla

  • I collaborated as a web developer in some projects already implemented by the institute
  • I jointly created the web system "Sistema de gestión del curso e Instrumentaciones didácticas"

Jr. Developer

December 2020 - March 2022

Freelancer, Oaxaca de Juárez, México

  • Development of a web system using the PHP Laravel framework and MySQL.

Jr. Developer - Java & Microservices

April 2022 - Present


  • Development of Microservices, Microservices Migration
    • Java
    • Spring boot
    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • Openshift


The easiest way to contact me is by sending me an email or through LinkedIn


Oaxaca, México

Contact me:
